

The Stormwater Utility Fee is a shared funding mechanism to maintain stormwater infrastructure, prevent flooding, mitigate damage from costly natural disasters, and meet the requirements of the City’s state and federally-mandated stormwater permit. The utility, used in 30 other localities, will be charged to all properties in the City, including typically tax-exempt organizations.


Why do we need a Stormwater Utility Fee?

The Stormwater Utility Fee is a funding mechanism to maintain stormwater infrastructure, prevent flooding, mitigate damage from costly natural disasters, and meet the requirements of the City’s state and federally-mandated stormwater permit.

How much will my bill be for the Stormwater Utility Fee?

You will be billed $0.220 per 50 sq ft of impervious surface. Please note that each property will be evaluated on its specific impervious area.

Who is paying this utility fee?

The equitably funded utility will be charged to all properties in the City, including typically tax-exempt organizations. City-owned properties and cemeteries are exempt. 

How is it billed?

Residential customers will be billed every other month on their existing utility bill with water, sewer, and trash. Non-residential customers will be billed monthly on their existing utility bill unless their property did not have a pre-existing utility bill. Then, a special stormwater utility bill will be mailed to them monthly.

Is Winchester the only City with a stormwater funding mechanism?

Winchester is one of 30 localities in Virginia with a Stormwater Utility Fee.

What does it pay for?

Stormwater improvement projects, starting with constructing four wet ponds to retain stormwater runoff and aesthetically improve North Cameron and North Kent Streets. By the end of 2024, construction should be underway on ten additional stormwater capital improvement projects.

Can I lower my stormwater utility bill?

Yes! You can lower your bill by up to 50% by installing rain barrels or rain gardens, planting trees, signing a “No Fertilizer Pledge,” or participating in the City’s “Pickup Parties.”

What if I think my fee is incorrect?

The City’s policy is to review any bill in question. If you still have a concern, you can file a formal appeal.

My property has a stormwater facility on site. Do I still have to pay the fee?

Yes, the fee will still apply, but a credit may be available.


Was there a public input process about the Stormwater Utility Fee?

Yes! The City has been discussing adding a Stormwater Utility Fee since 2008, and was most recently brought to council again in 2022 and approved in 2023. Below is a list of all public input sessions related to the 2023 approval.

  • January 1, 2024 - Proposed billing start date
  • Beginning at the March 14, 2023 Council Meeting – Council will continue the discussion of the rate and credit proposal (will take at least two meetings to finalize – earliest the rate could be adopted is the March 28, 2023 meeting)
  • February 7, 2023 - Potential fees and credits discussed at the Finance Committee meeting
  • January 26, 2023 - Improvement projects, maintenance, and regulations discussed at the Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting
  • July 12, 2022 - Council unanimously approved the creation of a stormwater utility at the regular meeting (presented at the 6/14/22 Work Session, first reading held at the 6/28/22 Council Meeting)
I already pay taxes. Is this fee really necessary?

Winchester is one of 30 localities in Virginia with a stormwater utility fee. The City faces increasing unfunded mandates to monitor and maintain the stormwater system. Also, the infrastructure in the City is aging, and the costs of operating and maintaining the public stormwater system are growing. A properly operating stormwater system is critical to protecting public health and safety, minimizing flooding, and meeting water quality protection requirements. The Stormwater Utility Fee allows the City to have a dedicated, stable fund to support needed investment in the public stormwater management system.

Stormwater Improvement Projects

Staff identified 75 projects needed to address stormwater issues (flooding, maintenance, and regulatory). Cost estimates were prepared for each project for $176 million (as of February 2023).

Earn Stormwater Credits

Residential Credits


A maximum of 50% of the property's stormwater fees can be credited each year if certain criteria are met.

Pickup Parties

  • 5% off for each event attended (good for 1 year from the date of the first pickup party attended) 

Sign the No Fertilizer Pledge

  • 5% off (good for 1 year, but can be renewed each year) 

Install a Rain Barrel

  • 5% for every 400 sq. ft. of roof area captured (good for 3 years, but can be reapplied for to confirm compliance) 

Build a Rain Garden

  • Maximum 35% based on percentage of property impervious area draining to the rain garden. (good for 3 years, but can be reapplied for to confirm compliance). 

Plant NEW Trees

  • 5% for each tree planted per 3,000 sq. ft. of open space (good for 3 years, but can be reapplied for to confirm compliance) 

Disconnect a Septic System

  • 50% (good for the lifetime of property ownership) 

Project Partnerships

  • Maximum 50% (good for the lifetime of property ownership) 

Non-Residential Credits

Legacy Water Quality Facilities (designed before 7/1/14)

  • Max 10% (minimum required design)
  • Max 30% (voluntary improvements at least 20% more than required design)

New Water Quality Facilities (designed and approved after 7/1/14)

  • Max 15% (minimum required design)
  • Max 40% (voluntary improvements at least 20% more than required design)

Nutrient Management Plan

  • Max 10%

Project Partnerships

  • Max 50%

VPDES Industrial Permit (in good standing)

  • Max 20%

Reporting a Stormwater Complaint


Report active illegal dumping of hazardous materials in storm drains immediately to 540-662-4131.

Stormwater Video Series